March 30, 2009


There has been a-lot of "happening's" in the last few days, loads of events to account for, but it would only be justice if i delve back a little into the past to narrate the background before i start talking about the trip i just returned from..

After about almost a year in Bangalore my roomie-cum-gang-buddy A, another gang-buddy P and i(Dee) decided or rather felt the urgent need of moving out of a single room in the pg into a flat of our own for there were so many reasons behind. A couldn't invite home certain special friends.. we couldn't throw parties on-n-off and landed-up paying huge amounts at eateries each time we wanted to catch-up with friends. We (A, P, Dee, One, Nandu) also ended getting molested by the Karnataka Police for the mere offense of trying to cut my Bday cake on the road outside our pg at midnight .. So on the auspicious occasion of the Republic Day of India '09, we decided to go Independent (mere coincidence) and got our own house (okk, a rented one). Since that day there's never been any holiday we've spend sans parties.. Holi.. random lunch.. friend-catch-up.. So although our monthly budgets have sky-rocketed (I dunno how, but it makes me happy.. Seesh :/ ) we've made some zillion friends ever-since in Bangalore. It work's this way : A's school-buddy becomes Dee and P's cool-buddy. Dee's friend becomes P's and P's friends'-friend and so on and on.. Maybe this is how the six-degrees-of-separation found its origin.

So one fateful week-day at office P and Dee realize that they were getting very bored with the rut-life and needed some change in environment. So coupled up with P's school-buddy S and Dee's college-cum-ofc-colleague BPS they come up with a cool plan of a trek-view-raft-fun-trip over the weekend to Coorg (although the raft part had to be given-up coz looking at things pragmatically March end => no rain => no water in Kaveri => no rafting). However this was too petty a thing to deter our spirits and we headed on with our "Coorg-28-29" trip and shot off chain mails amongst 9-10 friends. Every mail saw some 40-45+ replies and finally "we" a group of 7 budged-on with the plan that turned out to be a legen-waitForIt-dary trip. :)

I'll carry on with the trip in the future posts.. so you keep reading..

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